January 19, 2025

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation logo

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation on BrainPower

Before we talk about Aguata LGA Washcom Federation, let’s know what is Washcom and it’s value.


Water Supply, Sanitation And Hygiene Committee (WASHCOM) according to the preface of the:

“Expanded Guideline For WASHCOM Formation And Training on Community WASH Management Processes in Nigeria:”

Endorsed by S.O Ome the Director, Water Quality Control And Sanitation/Chairman National Task Group on Sanitation –

Cum Kannan Nadar the Chief of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) UNICEF Nigeria as of the time of compiling this report..:


  1. “is a platform being institutionalized at the Community level to manage and sustain better access to water supply, Sanitation and Hygiene.”
  2. “to support the operations of WASHCOMs the Expanded Guideline is developed to guide their formation and Training with the view to foster ownership, sustainability and improved WASH services at the Community level.”
  3. “WASHCOM are particularly important in operation and maintenance and the performance monitoring functionality of water facilities. They also help to facilitate Community Led Total Sanitation and promote Hygiene practices in the Communities to attain Open Defecation Free environment”
  4. “the Expanded Guideline for WASHCOM Formation and Training is developed to harmonize approaches with which Community participation in the management of WASH is instituted. It addresses the need to build capacities on broad WASH issues covering health, environment, education, child survival and development which affect the Community. The Guildline articulates the modalities for establishing WASHCOMs and provides content and tools for their training. The purpose is to enable WASHCOMs to effectively perform strategic roles in organizing Community led managed WASH programmes as well as raising awareness for increased demand for those services that contribute to child suevival and development”
  5. “the Federal Ministry of Water Resources and UNICEF recognize the importance of WASHCOMs in the Delivery and sustainability of WASH Programmes and Services at the Community level and have come together to review and update the Expanded Guideline in partnership with stakeholders of all levels.”

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Brief History


On this day the 4th of April 2019, the Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation was duly constituted:

Upon the convention of the Aguata LGA 20 Wards WASHCOM Federation elected executives, who anchored at Aguata LGA Council Hall –

After the workshop 2 days Training that ended on the aforementioned date the Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation executive was elected into office.

The Post of The Federation Chairman

Post Of The Chairman:

First to be nominated was Nweke Ifeanyi Green from Achina; by Mr. Peter Ezeanwe, the Chairman Umuchu ward I WASHCOM Federation –

To contest with the second nominee, Mr. Levi Nnoje from Eziagulu Ekwulobia, who is the Chairman Ekwulobia ward II WASHCOM Federation.

However, Mr. Levi Nnoje willingly stepped down for Nweke Ifeanyi Green from Achina at a record time of 1:51PM on this day the 4th of April 2019.

Nweke Ifeanyi Green became the Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation Chairman unoppossed.

Mr Nweke Ifeanyi Green is the elected:

The Post of the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Secretary

Mr. Emeka Ogbuagu from Igbo-Ukwu won the post of the Secretary.

He is the:

  • Secretary Ihuichie WASHCOM
  • Secretary Igbo-Ukwu ward I WASHCOM Federation
  • Secretary Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation.

The Post of Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Financial Secretary

Mr. Okeke Emmanuel Onyeka from Ezinifite won the post of the Financial Secretary.

He is the:

  • Chairman Ezinifite Ward I WASHCOM Federation
  • Financial Secretary Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation

The Post of The Treasurer

Mrs. Ubah Stella from Ikenga Aguata won the Post of the Treasurer

She is the:

  • Secretary Umuezeogu WASHCOM
  • Secretary Ikenga ward WASHCOM Federation
  • Treasurer Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation

The Post of the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation P. R. O (Public Relation Officer)

Mr. Osinachi Godswill Ezeagha from Achina won the Post of the P.R.O.

Note: The post of the Public Relation Officer (P.R.O) was highly contested.

Osinachi Ezeagha contested for the post two times same day; with his rival without a winner emerging; as the result outcomes was equal at each schedule.


Result came when the officials who conducted the election decided to rap two papers with one written “P.R.O” for them to pick.

Unfortunately, for Osinachi`s rival, he picked the blank paper first; while  Osinachi Ezeagha picked up the left over, which later became the position of the P.R.O and he won; with great joy.

Achina then got two positions: the Chairman and the P.R.O of Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation.

Osinachi Ezeagha is the:

  • Secretary Umulekwe WASHCOM
  • Secretary Achina ward II WASHCOM Federation
  • Media P.R.O Achina WASHCOM Federation (AWF)
  • P.R.O Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Oath of Office

The Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation Pioneer election was witnessed by the:

WASH Stakeholders

  • Anambra State UNICEF Consultant Mr. Clement Chigbo
  • Anambra State RUWASSA (Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Agency) Project Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (PMEO), who is also incharge of Water Treatment, Mr. Andy Nwanze.
  • The Coordinating Chairman Aguata LGA WASHunit Engr. Peter Akwobi
  • Anambra State RUWASSA Hygiene Officer (HO), Dr. Mrs. Rose Amasiani
  • Anambra State RUWASSA Water Supply Officer Mr. Emeka Udezeh
  • Anambra State RUWASSA Sanitation Officer (SO), Mrs. Oluchi Nwankwu
  • Anambra State RUWASSA Community Mobilization Officer (CMO), Mrs. Chinweoke Okpaladinaobi
  • Anambra State RUWASSA Assistant CMO, Chioma Ezeh
  • Aguata LGA Project Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (PMEO), Mr. Gabriel Ekwualor
  • Aguata LGA Water Supply Officer (WSO), Engr. Augustine
  • Aguata LGA Account Officer Mrs. Chinwe
  • Executive Coordinator Aguata Society For Life Foundation Ekwulobia (CBO: Community Base Organization), Mrs. Nkiru Ezeokafor
  • Mr. Raphel Aniagba the Aguata LGA Project Vehicle driver
  • Mrs. Justina Godsown etc.

Achievement: (Whatsapp Social Media Group)

Immediately the executives of the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation came onboard on the 4th of April 2019, and took the oath of office, before nightfall –

A “Whatsapp” group for Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation was created; to carry everyone along digitally; which became active and functional –

With some of the WASHCOM Members, Community leaders, Government officials involve in the WASH Project, Aguata LGA WASHunit etc; added.

Achievement: (Official Materials)

After the federation second Executive Meeting, the federation purchased official Materials which includes:

  • Larger Minute Book for General Meeting
  • Minute Book for Executive Meetings
  • Meeting Aganda Book for Chairman
  • Record Book for Financial Secretary etc for proper documentation of the federation activities.

Achievement: (Official Stamp)

On the 10th of May 2019, in the federation 3rd Executive Meeting, the federation  launched the official Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation Stamp and subsidiary materials.

Achievement: (Official Documents and Templates)        

  1. 10th May 2019, still in the federation 3rd Executive meeting, the federation launched Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation  official documents; which includes:
  2. Letter Head
  • Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation official logo

The federation also launched the developed Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation official Templates documents helping activities –

Shared to the WASHCOM Communities in the LGA for proper action. And they include:

  • The House to house developed inspection Templates documents and Table
  • The water point monitoring and reporting Template document
  • The data base collection templates developed document
  • The ODF (Open Defecation Free) announcement developed document
  • The Water Safety Plan (WSP) Table
  • The Work Action Plan (WAP) Table
  • The Village Level Operation and Maintenance (VLOM) Table etc.

Achievement: (Facebook Account)

The federation created and launched Social Media Facebook Accounts; for information dissemination and record keeping.

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation (Page)


Achievement: (Federation Certificate)

On this day the 31st of May 2019, the federation obtained the Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation Certificate –

At Aguata LGA Social Welfare Department of Agauata LGA; as directed by the WASHCOM Constitution.

Also, on the 31st May 2019, the federation launched a “CIB” (Community Information Board) at the Aguata LGA WASHunit for official use and copying.

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Programmes

Not minding other official activities, the federation have being involved in; for its actualization and sustenance:

Like the ODF certification of Aguata LGA; Water Quality Testing (WQT); for Water Safety Plan (WSP) Programmes etc.

The federation mobilizes the 224 WASHCOM Communities in Aguata LGA; the largest in Anambra State; for Data Base capturing and subsequently secured:

Data management page on this site www.brainpowerplanet.com for Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation report.

Hopefuly, the federation sourced resources to power the federation Phase I “500 AF Toilet Project” to end pit Toilet in Aguata LGA in 2030; in support to the United Nation (UN) SDG6.

While mobilizing also, to commence leadership cum 224 WASHCOM Communities tour; for farmiliarization and above pet projects implementation assistance.


Note, the federation were able to launch Work Action Plan (WAP) on its first General Meeting of 30th April 2019.

Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation Articulated 3 Months ODF Work Action Plan

The federation also were able to articulate a 3 Months Work Action Plan on ODF; for Aguata LGA, capturing what it will take to achieve ODF in Aguata LGA:

In the 224 WASHCOM Communities in Aguata LGA; both financially and otherwise.

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Challenges

As a young LGA WASHCOM Federation faced with enormous duties, the federation were, and still faced with great challenges:

Ranging from financial constraints; Mobility (Project Vehicle) to make programme duties unhindered.

Notwithstanding, the aforementioned challenges, the federation had great challenges developing workable and bankable templates –

And official documents which have to be produced and reproduced; going through several metamorphosis before acceptable stage –

To arrest the federation numerous challenges as the pioneer executives that must keep the ground watered.

Moving Forward

At first, it was not easy to hold the federation first General Meeting of the Aguata LGA 20 wards Washcom Federation Chairmen & Secretaries –

Which was later conquered through the official assistance of the Aguata LGA WASHunit.


Also, learning that the federation is on its own; by the authorities concerned; was more challenging.

Though the federation later got attention at recent time.

But with great confidence, the federation have experienced over time on the WASH Project and international communities:

Platforms, and specialist, consultants, facilitators, resource persons, coordinators, the federation saw; involved –

And that are result oriented, conscious and more adventurous in seeking for champions; with existing platforms to promote the best as model; especially the –

No compromise in set standard and zero tolerance for corruption in the WASHCOM Project, the federation have witnessed before now kept us.

Motivation to Aguata LGA Washcom Federation

The moving force that have being seeing the federation through; was that the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation will not be left lonely –

As long as the federation keep sustaining the accountability culture, which the federation has maintained; committing what is available –

Including time to achieve presentable results and accessible records; swallowed our bitter challenges.

Experiences cum Lessons

Is really good to be involve. The evolution of the great WASHCOM Federation; especially the LGA WASHCOM Federation –

That brought the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation onboard, is a great platform for huge experiences cum lessons.

“Now we know how onerious it was for the pioneer WASH/WASHCOM Officials/EU/UNICEF teams etc:

To penetrate our hinterlands in search of genuine community data; developing relevant environmental and hygiene templates successfully –

And sustaining them up to this time; while grooming younger potentials to sustain the very important WASH Project.

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Open Defecation Free Reports

The ODF (Open Defecation Free) certification exercise has among other things in No small measure, reawaken the supposed hygiene consciousness –

That ought to be especially among the people dwelling in the rural areas; that are most time seen by some others as –

“Villagers, ” into global hygiene focused destination; thereby drawing the Global Village Hygiene bridge closer.”

External contributions on Aguata ODF

Good to mention, the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation submission on Open Defecation Free (ODF) was captured on a special blog post published by SITE4Society mentioning Aguata LGA participation; powered by the United Nations University UNU-MERIT:

In Moving Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Forward

However, in being involve, the federation have come to realize through the federation tough experiences and lessons, that every community should have a realistic and verifiable data base:

Showing clearly the actual number of households, inhabitants captured according to certain age bracket –

And Toilets Constructed with and without slab; water source/point, and other relevant public places and relevant facilities etc.

Need for Database

The above data base help and will continue to help in No small measure to plan effective work actions in such and all communities with such relevant data available.

Now, emerging the entire LGA having a comprehensive compiled relevant datas as mentioned above in a central accessible electronic database system –

Planning will then be easier; when it is periodically updated; for a better and faster development quest for –

Because, relevant and reliable data are among the first things that hinders progressive development; when they are not there.

Kudos! To the WASH Project stakeholders at all level; for opening our eyes.

The Constituent Washcom Activities


Water is an essential commodity. The important of water can not be over emphasized.

We need water for our day to day activities; we drink water daily.

However, there are many sources of water which includes: Stream water, River water, Rain harvested water, Borehole water etc.

Why Borehole Water

Among the above mentioned water source, the international researchers on better source of community drinking water, has always recognized and recommended:

“Borehole Water Source, ” top on the list of better source of drinking water affordable too.

Notwithstanding the above finding, promoting the use of Borehole water as better source of drinking water –

So much is involved in the purification of Borehole water and its management to maintain a better source of drinking water.

Water Safety Plan

On the scope of this report, we are focusing on the two major components of Water Safety Plan (WSP):

Sanitation and Water Quality Analysis, Hygiene Process; fom the Source-Transport-Storage-Point of Use

Which we have been involved in; for the Water Safety Management (WSM) of our EU/UNICEF/RUWASSA drilled Borehole water source in our communities in Aguata LGA.

Water Testing

We have through the use of the “Orlab Bacteriological Test Vials” test kits handed over to us through the LGA WASHunit:

Maintained the delivering of regular safe drinking water to our good people.

The official handover of the Bacteriological test vial to Activist Nweke Ifeanyi Green the:

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Chairman by the Aguata LGA WASHunit team, in company of Unicef Mr. Oyonga Oyonga of Calabar made the difference.


We conduct the above test in monthly bases; with verifiable record intact; while reporting periodically to the WASHunit –

That subsequently draw the attention of the Anambra State RUWASSA officers concerned in water treatment with great respond –

In time of water treatment any time the Bacteriological test vial confirmed that our water source (Borehole) is contaminated.

On several occassions when we report after re-run test that our Borehole (Water Source) is conterminated, they respond willingly and on time.

Even when we disappoint them, they still give us second chance to make sure we drink safe water.


We conduct first, a water test at the Water Source using the Bacteriological Test Vial, to determine the water quality our good people are coming to fetch; and analyze it.

It is popularly called “Water Quality Test Analysis”.


  1. At the stage of water contamination, we urge our people to “Boil” the Water before  use; or use the “Aquatabs” according to instructions.
  •  (Secondly), If the Water test result after three (3) days is still “Yellow” it means “Negative” that is the water source is not contaminated.

At “second”, we go ahead fetching and drinking our borehole water; without boiling or using the Aquatabs; till the Bacteriological test vial etc; prove otherwise.


Water Transport is the means we use in fetching water from the Source. Like our Gallon etc.

We go ahead to test the Transport (Gallon) our people use in fetching water from the water point.

In most occasion, especially when we started; majority of our people as we discovered were fetching water from:

The “Good Source” (Not contaminated Source) with contaminated Transport Means. That is, their Gallons were contaminated. 

The Test Vial

We discovered all this using the Bacteriological test vial; after three days of testing their gallons.

Remedial Actions

In our recommendation, we humbly first enlighten them to understand that the water source result is Negative (Good).

And then show them the result of others who passed the test and his or her own that failed.

We suggest to them to wash their gallons with Soap and or ash; using warm water and brush –

And continue doing so at least every two months or not more than three (3) months; to maintain safe water Transport means.

Other Things We Do

In some occasions when we come across those whose water Transport means has gone too bad (the inside of the gallon turning green in colour) –

And those whose gallon has become old as a result of long use and without washing:

Some with broken and wearing out gallons etc; we advice them cautiously to buy new gallon.

Use of Special Gallon

Nevertheless, we continue to advice and enlighten our good people to maintain using a special gallon:

“only” for drinking water Transport; because it also help in maintaining water hygiene along other water chain.

Note: if the Transport is not safe, the Storage and the Point of Use will likely not be safe.


Water Storage is a point where we empty the water we drink; or store our water for use.

As a result of tracing the water chain safety, we found that, most people have large pot or container they empty the drinking water they fetched for use.

While some still use their Transport Means as Storage too.

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Findings along WSP

In Furtherance, tracing the safety of each point, we were jarded with huge experiences applying the measures for Water Safety Plan (WSP).

Some after fetching their drinking water from a good source (Not Contaminated Source) will store it in a container under their hanging cloths wardrobe.

Now, not just that the Storage container may not be safe, but possibility exist that particles possible of contaminating the drinking water when they open the storage container to scoop water is there.

The contaminating particles may drop on the water storage cover; and may possibly get into the water when they do not carefully opened the water storage container.

A True Life Story to Water Safety Plan

We have had stories of house hold who were storing their drinking water under such condition:

Drinking water without knowing that their father`s dirty Trouser (Cloth) he was searching for few months ago dropped inside their drinking  water container for months –

And the entire family was scooping drinking water from the container and drinking –

Till they resolved to wash the container and found their Father`s Trouser inside their drinking water container. Oops! Right?

We don’t relent

We always urge our people to store their water under safe conditions; not under any hanging or suspended materials to avoid external particles (Contaminants).

Need to wash storage containers as he or she ought to be washing the Transport with Soap and or ash with sponge before three months.


Water point of use is the water chain stage means with which we drink our water; through the use of Cup.

Meaning the cup is the point of use.

Therefore, what is important here is the hygiene or the hygienic use of our point of use (Cup).

Hygienically, for many who are making use of storage containers, should have a special Cup for scooping water from the storage container only –

While puring it into another Cup that will be finally used for drinking.


The drinking Cup, should not be used for or to scoop water from the water storage container to avoid contamination.

Both the scooping and the drinking Cup ought to be washed with Soap and or ash with brush and or sponge –

We also test the Point of Use, to determine the water  quality at the last water chain stage.


Sanitation is the process of keep our surroundings clean.

Sanitation is part of WASHCOM obligations.

We make sure our water surroundings are kept clean. And not allowed to grow fallow. Including our compounds, Schools, Markets etc.

In making sure that the above is maintained, we periodically embark on Sanitation inspections:

To make sure our people and WASHCOM Members sustain the culture of good Sanitation.


Hygiene is a special technical process of handling and or managing things around us to avoid contamination with jams causing diseases; for a healthier living.

Because we discovered how important hygiene is, we do not only enlighten our people about hygiene, we practice it.

Procedures kept in place:

  1. At the water source, we constructed “Tippy Tap” for our people fetching water to wash their hand properly with soap first before they fetch water from the water source. There by raising the awareness of hygiene bar high in our respective communities; especially to the younger ones who surely will continue to sustain the hygiene practices by spreading the news of its invaluable premium.
  • We instructed our people to maintain the use of Bucket Tap in or outside their toilet with soap and or ash. Including at the public places.
  • At ceremonies and meeting places, before taken the Kola and Food, our people consciously practice hygiene as a welcomed culture in different part of our LGA.
  • At water Source, instead of keeping the funnel at the floor, we instructed our water facility caretakers to maintain allowing the funnel to remain inside a clean closed Bucket after use; while replacing the water inside the bucket at least daily.
  • Also, the host pipe which we latter discovered can conterminate the water fetched by our good people, are not allowed to remain parmanently at the tap mouth. We only allowed the use of host when necessary and remove it immediately after use; to avoid rusting that will possibly lead to water contermination with hevy metal and constituent residuals.
  • The over-head Tank cover at the stanchion is always emphasized to remain closed to avoid possible contamination from birds, insects, and dew etc.


the metal tag used in clipping the host at the tap mouth, use to get rust easily, and No doubt, become a source of water contaminant to water harvesters (our good people).

Morealso, we maintain Right hand cut finger nails; which is always observed during our WASHCOM meetings.

We spray the orientation across our families, community meetings to avoid jams diseases getting into our stomach through our hand.

And we continued to emphasize hand washing and rinsing of every thing around us immediately before use, in public gathering:

Like plates, spoon, fruits etc. To avoid going to hospital always and save more money to pay our children school fees on time etc.


Committee in the WASH Project are mostly the elected members of Water Sanitation and Hygiene –

Who have on their shoulders, the responsibilities of enlightening their respective communities about the WASH Programmes.

In our respective communities, the WASH committees are caring out their duties and functions.

Through the WASH Committee, so many communities have being carried along on the WASH Project.

In many of our communities, the WASH Committee hold routine monthly WASH meetings called “WASHCOM Meeting”. While some hold their WASHCOM Meeting Bi-monthly.

WASH Record

However, in Achina, Aguata LGA, Iduu WASHCOM in Achina, has verifiable and accessible record of holding over 40 recorded WASHCOM Meetings –

Like others who do not relent in holding WASHCOM Meeting.

Iduu Washcom was the first WASHCOM Community in Achina to secure “Gold” at the time of the UNICEF WASHCOM Meeting verification exercise led by –

Mr. Innocent Uduma cum Mrs. Chinelo Ezeanowai of Aguata LGA WASHunit on 14th November 2018.

Good to Note:

Resolutions on WASH Programmes strategic progress and community Work Action Plans –

Are being drawn and established by the above WASH Committee. With the assistance of the WASHunit.

ODF (Open Defecation Free) Activities

Aguata LGA Open Defecation Free worldwide certification activities by the Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation and the Aguata LGA WASHunit is unquantifiable.

The federation has in No small measures invested so much energy, time and resources to achieve the above hight.

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation ODF Efforts

Before the Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation came onboard, the federation executives were carefully selected:

Just the best among others as WASHCOM members to join the LGA WASHunit officials on the struggle to achieve the popular ODF Worldwide certification.

On the above exercise, the federation produced the official ODF duty area report:

Each group, for which the Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation Chairman group submitted on 14th January 2019.

Respect to WASH Specialist

After the exercise, each time the federation sees the members of the LGA WASHunit and other officials of the WASH Project:

Like the EU and the UNICEF, we inwardly doff our cap and respect them for what they are going through trying to make us better.

 As Federation, immediately we came onboard, one of the most important  assignment we were charged with was:

The “ODF Worldwide certification of  the entire Aguata LGA.”

In furtherance, the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation got onboard to achieve worldwide certification of Aguata LGA.


ODF exercise: watch discussion with former manager of Multipurpose Computer Center (MPCC) Umuch on PLANET TV

ODF talk at MPCC Umuchu

Also, the federation later got Towns President Generals, Traditional Rulers, involved on the WASH programme:

Including women group, Youths etc to achieve the goal.

Efforts of other Agencies involved in verifying our efforts with the WASHunit Aguata LGA was equally present.

Effective Steps

The Federation also created ODF Announcement document at LGA WASHCOM Federation –

And shared to different churches, small communities Natural leaders, and it was announced in most public places.

Many times their use to be jingles and announcement over the Radio on Open Defecation Free environment courtesy of:

The Federation superiors officers; who have not being relenting for Aguata LGA to achieve the ODF Worldwide certification.

Series of WASHCLINIC and workshops have being staged in not just at the LGA headquarters:

But in different communities in our LGA and ward Federation; attended by superior WASH stakeholders.

ODF Meetings

There was also one staged at Umueleke Village by Aguata LGA WASHunit, also attended by externals; directing “All Constituted Leadership Institutions –

And Organizations within Aguata LGA in Anambra State Nigeria” to get onboard on the worldwide ODF certification of Aguata LGA; tagged:

“28th May 2019 Expedient Resolution on Aguata LGA Worldwide ODF Certification by WASHunit Aguata LGA Reached at Umueleke Village Hall Achina”. In a compiled report.

Mandating all community Leaderships and WASHCOM executives to get all hand on deck for Aguata LGA to achieve worldwide ODF certification.

Federation Changed Gear

After the above meeting, the federation switched into more serious actions –

Meeting with relevant authorities in our respective Towns, and embarking on house to house ODF inspection visiting.

Even at Town level, the ODF certification messages extended to Town General meetings in August 2019; both in women August General meetings.

Traditional Rulers were also carried along.

Handover Workshop

State closure workshop Anambra State: Handover WASH activities to the community leadership

The Anambra State WASH handover Workshop

The Struggle Continued

However, the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Water Resources (FMWR) sponsored Open Defecation Free (ODF):

“Mobup” exercise in Aguata LGA from 16th of September 2019- 23rd of September 2019. Was great.

Obiako Uchenna Nature was the FMWR Consultant who headed the Mobup exercise with his team mate Joan Anuforu.

The Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation was fully involved in the entire mobup exercise.

Finally, Aguata LGA deserves ODF Worldwide certification long struggled for. And God has answered the prayer.

Aguata LGA Now Declared Open Defecation Free At Abuja June 2022.

WSP (Water Safety Plan) Activities

Because of the need for Water Safety Management (WSM), the federation has through experiences, carefully articulated:

Important Water Safety Plans (WSPs)  to make sure we keep safe our drinking water through the water chains:

Source-Transport-Storage-Point of Use

Surprisingly, when UNICEF Mr. Adam from New York City visited Iduu WASHCOM on 31st January 2018 in his tour in Aguata LGA WASHCOM Communities:

For the study and official inspection research on WSP; accompanied by Mrs. Obiano of Nigeria Federal Ministry of Water Resources.

He was glad with what him and other teams met on ground in his study of Water Safety Plan(WSP) in our LGA.

The defense of Water Safety Plan (WSP) by Nweke Ifeanyi Green the Washcom Chairman before New York Unicef Mr Adam

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Articulated Water Safety Plans

Below are some Water Safety Plan (WSP) Activity Plan we articulated and have been practicing in Aguata LGA.

  • Monitoring Environmental Hygiene around Water Source
  • Making sure overhead Tanks are properly washed when due periodically and closed all time.
  • Securing wellhead from external inversion/contamination
  • Conducting routine monthly Water Quality Test and analyzing the result
  • Continuous enlightenment of our people on water safety hygiene from Source-Transport-Storage-Point of Use
  • Encouraging our good people to mind the kind of Nylon they use to cover their water gallon. With great emphasis on washing and replacing it regularly.
  • Encouraging Villagers/our community people to be attending WASHCOM meetings for more enlightenment
  • Maintaining tight security around water source
  • Making sure their is No broken water pipes at any point traceable to the water source
  • Making sure that water facility components are actively functional
  • Precautionary maintenance of the solar panels and washing without soda.
  • Constant repairs of wornout parts of water facilities for regular water supply
  • Making sure their is No external contaminants like host pipe attached to the tap.
  • Maintaining the rule of washing and rinsing gallon before fetching fresh water.
  • Maintaining water safety report flow from WASHunit to RUWASSA; in time of water contamination and need for water treatment.
  • Engaging the community leadership through community WASHCOM report
  • Encouraging accountability of water sales for proper and prompt maintenance of  brake down water facilities; to ensure regular water supply.

WQT (Water Quality Test) Activities


Water Quality Test is a means by which we get to obtain information of the state of our water quality.

Through the water quality test analysis we maintain the knowledge of our water quality using Orlab Bacteriological test vial.

VHP (Volunteer Hygiene Promoters) Activities

Volunteer Hygiene Promoters as the name implies, are special WASHCOM Members whose responsibility among others are:

House to House environmental sanitation inspection visiting of WASHCOM Community Households, Schools:

Checking and enlightening community members and young students on best hygiene practices.

VHP Executive

Officially, the VHP is made up of 20 WASHCOM Members, shared into clusters with respect to the household population of a WASHCOM Community –

With its own Chairman and Secretary; who are subordinate to the community WASHCOM Structure.

They also obtain report of a WASHCOM Community Toilets constructed with and without slab etc.

CSD (Child Survival and Development)/SSHI (School Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement) Activities

Child Survival and Development, we understand is a priority on the scale of WASHCOM activities:

As UNICEF is more concerned on the Survival and Development of the Child Globally.

The federation also got involved in School Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement (SSHI):

To make sure we improve the Sanitation and Hygiene understanding and practice in our respective community Schools; for Child Survival and Development.

Some State and local program engagements

The accountability and Sustainability mapping workshop defense before France Unicef Mr. Ivan and Pillory from Spain in the presence of Unicef Chief Mr. Ibrahim.
The defense of Accountability Triangle by Nweke Ifeanyi Green representing Aguata LGA before WASH stakeholders home and abroad powered by the Unicef/European union and Government.

Other Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Success Stories Reports

Most Community WASHCOMs in Aguata LGA have recorded great success stories in different areas.

In water facility management, the Village Level Operation and Maintenance (VLOM) activities of our most WASHCOM communities are commendable.

Examples are numerious; but few at our reach will be sited:


  1. The Ekwulobia water restoration/rehabilitation: through the effort of the community triggered by the WASHCOM executives
  2. Iduu WASHCOM water source regular water suply; courtesy of community leadership efforts geared by Iduu WASHCOM unrelented WASHCOM report.
  3. Fixing/ securing water source wellhead at Iduu WASHCOM with blocks to avoid external inversion.
  4. Amihie Umuchu WASHCOM Efforts
  5. Ugwuakwu WASHCOM water source management account record
  6. Nkwere Etiti WASHCOM effort with community leadership and concerned citizens in constructing Toilet apartment for school children at Migrant school Obinikpa etc.

Humble Request for Robust Achievement

Humbly, we have accepted the responsibility portioned to us the LGA WASHCOM Federation on the WASH Project.

 And we have also, with special regards to its direct and indirect benefits to us and our people, taken the WASH Project as our own.

However, we still need special assistance beyond our power for now.

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Special Request

 We humbly which to request for:

  1.  Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation Head Office and Secretariat Complex; that will have workshop hall and laboratory section; for more serious functions
  2. Periodic financial assistance to assist the federation fully implement its Work Action Plans
  3. Mobility; the federation need project vehicle and or at least Mini-Bus to facilitate quick results
  4. Digital Camera, Projecting Machine and subsidiary equipments to carry our WASHCOM Communities along at LGA Federating level; for robust achievement
  5. That the Washcoms should also be placed on SALARY No matter how little; to encourage our efforts.

Special Regards

The WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) Programme that gave birth to the committee known as:

“WASHCOM”; that brought us onboard, is a beautiful great programme to us and our people.

We are very humble to authorities who allowed this important programme WASHCOM (Water Sanitation and Hygiene Committee) to get to us including –

European Union Commission / UNICEF, Federal Government of Nigeria, Anambra State Government, RUWASSA, the WASHunit.

The LGA authority etc; are authorities, platforms and agencies we are very humble to; for all their efforts all this years.

Those we can’t forget in a hurry in Aguata LGA Washcom Federation

Specially, we regard our WASHunit Coordinating, as at the time of this report, Engr. Peter Akwobi:

who in many ways have being motivating us as of the time of compiling this post.

Mr. Obinna Ogbodo the UNICEF Consultant whose encouragement have being bearing fruits.

Our Anambra State UNICEF Consultant Mr. Clement Chigbo, who always want us to succeed on these WASH Project.

The Anambra State Former RUWASSA Programme Manager Mr. Victor Ezekwo, the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation –

Remains humble for nodding to most of our initiatives and your encouragement that we keep moving forward.

WASH Stakeholders

Our new Anambra State RUWASSA Programme Manager as at the time of compiling this post, Mr. Emeka Okwuogu we regard you.

Mr. Andy Nwanze the Anambra State RUWASSA Project Monitoring and Evaluation officer (PMEO):

Who is also in charge of water treatment in Anambra State as at the time of this report.

You answer us always and we are very glad and appreciate your doggedness.

Andy Nwanze

Even during special occasions when we fail you in a scheduled programme to treat our water source –

You still fix another date to come and treat our public water source –

Without abandoning us to be drinking water that is not save (contaminated) water.

In your word “ is a service to humanity” and we learnt that.

No matter the situation, God will never fail us all.

Many Thanks To:

Mr. Gabriel Ekwualor is always ready to carry the federation along; as the Aguata LGA Project Monitoring and Evaluation Officer:

He has being of great assistance to us; both in record keeping of WASHCOM activities he emphasize on; that has made us relevant.

We are very greatful to everyone, including some WASH Specialist, Facilitators, Resource Persons and Consultants etc:

Those we were opportune to meet in some workshop occasions cum field inspections; that really contributed in our success.

The Likes of:

  • Mr. Adam of UNICEF from New York City who anchored our LGA for Water Safety Plan (WSP) inspection
  • Mrs. Obiano of the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Water Resources, who also accompanied the UNICEF Mr. Adam from New York City to Aguata LGA for WSP Activities inspection.
  • Mr. Oyonga Oyonga of UNICEF who were in Aguata LGA for Water Quality Test Analysis
  • The UNICEF Chief Mr. Ibrahim, we have met in workshop trainings at Awka, Anambra State, with Mr. Emos a resource facilitator;
  • his speeches and remarks were all turning point.
  • Mr. Ivans a Resource Facilitator from France:
  • who took us on “Accountability and Sustainability Mapping” accompanied by Mr. Emos in a workshop that took place at De-GeoGold Hotel & Suite Akwa Anambra State cum Pillary from Spain:
  • who was part of the just mentioned workshop.
  • Mr. Roy the Chief Facilitator of the “WASH-SWAp” workshop
  • that took place at Cihcotel Classique Hotel and Suite Awka Anambra State; was wonderful.
  • Mr. George a UNICEF Representative
  • Mr. Parick Osuocha, UNICEF Retiree, a “WASH Specialist”
  • Mr. Timmy a WASH specialist cum Toyan from Enugu UNICEF; who encouraged us at “Enumeration Exercise” that took place at RUWASSA Office Awka Anambra State.

Others are:

  • Mr. Emeka Udezeh, the Anambra State RUWASSA Water Supply Officer (WSO)
  • Engr. Augustine, the Aguata LGA WSO
  • Dr. Mrs. Rose Amasiani, the Anambra State RUWASSA Hygiene Officer (HO)
  • Mrs. Oluchi Nwankwu, the Anambra State RUWASSA Sanitation Officer (SO)
  • Mrs. Chinweoke Okpaladinaobi, the Anambra State RUWASSA Community Mobilization Officer (CMO)
  • Chioma Ezeh, Anambra State RUWASSA Assistant CMO
  • The Nigeria Federal Ministry of Water Resources Consultant Obiako Uchenna Nature who headed the Open Defecation Free (ODF) Mubup Exercise in Aguata LGA with Joan Anuforu

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Community Based Organizations

  • Mrs. Freeman Ugochi: the Executive Director Creative Minds Centre for Youth and Community Development
  • Mrs. Nkiru Ezeokafor: the Executive Coordinator Aguata Society for Life Foundation Ekwulobia.

Some of our community Leaders were there for us:

  • Sir. Bar. Chito Ezeani, the President General Achina Town Union (ATU), now Emeritus!

Our President Generals, Traditional Rulers cum Small Natural Community leaders and concerned citizens –

Who may not be mentioned; we regard you; and we are very humble to all of you.

The Aguata LGA WASHCOM Federation Executives are wonderful and Passionate.

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Captured Programs

Below are some sponsored WASH activities of the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation captured:

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation at Pioneer Secondary School Umuchu ODF program powered by Friend In Need Indian Trust.
ODF program at School powered by FIN Trust
Full video of the ODF program by the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation team led by Nweke Ifeanyi Green at Pioneer Secondary School Umuchu, powered by FIN Trust.
2020 World Toilet Day Event participation by the Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Chairman

Aguata LGA Washcom Federation Activities Digital Photobook

BrainPower Digital Photobook on Aguata LGA Washcom Federation


“Water Sanitation and Hygiene Committee (WASHCOM) has come to stay. We will not let durst raise against its development and sustainability.

Open Defecation Free (ODF) is a great programme; we will continue to carry on, so that this generation may know.”

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