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A Professional Blogging and content creating Corporate company powered by BrainPowerPlanet Nig Limited.
Legal Entity
BrainPower is registered with the Nigeria Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) on the 31st of March 2022 with RC: N0.1913026, as Brainpowerplanet Nig Limited
BrainPower Links
On Brainpower, we purposely attach links of few other relevant pages or post on most of the pages or post on BrainPower; as means of navigation to link our site visitors over to other pages or posts on
BrainPower Site Updates Clickable Links Safety
Be free to click on any link generated by BrainPower, you found on
The BrainPower clickable links are all safe links for navigation; linking (connecting) the BrainPower site.
BrainPower Official Address
The official address of BrainPower is captured on some important pages on this site; informing visitors about BrainPower.
How To Contact BrainPower
Note: the “Contact BrainPower” page has a BrainPower Message channels, through which you can send us BrainPower messages, and be able to interact directly with the BrainPower Manager. Be free to reach us!
BrainPower Site Updates Customer’s Relationship & Cookie
Yes! We use cookies on BrainPower to collect important data to better your experience. Find out more on while we use cookies and our third party partners.
Just enjoy our great services, and be free to complain, report, inform, and assist BrainPower deliver unbeatable services to you, and others by messaging us when is expedient.
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BrainPower Site Updates : Journey History
This site BrainPower was created in 2020 on WordPress. And was upgraded in 2021.
Thanks to Whogohost now Go50, and Hon. George Ezulike and the Technical Team.
However, BrainPower was officially announced (launched) publicly on the 28th of November 2021 the BrainPower Birthday! to provide great services to mankind.
The launched; is a subsidiary of BrainPowerPlanet Nig Limited.
In BrainPower Blog Post, we may add few relevant post tag (s) on most blog posts; to help researchers locate relevant materials stocked in BrainPower.
What To Click on BrainPower
100% of word and phrases on blue color, on are clickable.
Be free to click on them to navigate smoothly.
underlined clickable words or phrases on blue color, are part of BrainPower internal navigation tools.
Payment Channels
Good to mention that BrainPower is now approved for payment in US Dollar through our Paystack account channel; with other local payment options.
BrainPower Site Updates
BrainPower Site Policy
On this site, BrainPower articulated it’s Privacy policy for users of BrainPower site to know the kind of information collected and how it is used. Read carefully.
The BrainPower Terms and Conditions is equally available for our site visitors; explore it.
BrainPower Site Updates Photobook
In most of the BrainPower blog post, that captured important event moments, BrainPower Digital Photobook are usually embedded.
We have equally articulated a Disclaimer page on BrainPower. Please visit our Disclaimer page also.
Support & Notification
You can encourage the development of this site through the BrainPower US Dollar Support page.
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