December 15, 2024


Christianity tagged post on BrainPower are Post relating to christian activities on BrainPower

Who are christians?

Christians are followers of Christ Jesus. Any activity captured on BrainPower, done in the church, are normally tagged appropriately.

If we anchor program, we tag it what it should be for our blog readers to be able to identify the blog post before opening the post.

Be rest assured

We care about our content and what we tag it. Christian program done in the church or having christian content are tagged Christianity for easy recognition.

Since a special post program is promoting Christianity, we do well to inform our blog readers that the post represent a special program by the Christians.

Most blog readers who are selective, will easily spot and identify their choice post and go straight to the post.

However, it is more professional to appropriately tag a post. And that is what we have done here.

Be guided by our BrainPower tags.

Reach brainpower, for inquiry, submission or complaints.

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