BrainPower Photo of PG-Isuofia Host of ASATU Youths Aguata
PG-Isuofia Hosted ASATU Youths Aguata on this day the 16th of July 2023 at his Isuofia resident.
Mr Chikadibia Okeke (Ọnwa), the President General Isuofia People’s Assembly had a stakeholders meeting with ASATU Youths Aguata.
PG Isuofia , according to him: ” the meeting is a thank you meeting, and a sitting for a better synergy on how to get the Aguata youths onboard Soludo administration.
PG-Isuofia Hosted ASATU Youths Aguata
The Chairman of Anambra State Association of Town Union (ASATU) Youths, Aguata LGA chapter, Comrd Somadina Aginam led the Youths and was rational:
The Youths of Aguata need to be empowered. Not just because our brother is the Governor of Anambra State.
Our community youth leaders need to be cared for; to be able to carry the grass-root youths along properly.
There should be placement for the Youths of Aguata through the office of the ASATU Youths Aguata for a Greater Aguata.
Comrd Somadina Aginam
Hon Chika Anyaonu (You Win I Win), MD/CEO, Anambra State Housing Corporation was equally present. He urged the youths to queue in to technology.
Anambra State Government is training youths on technology. Queue-in.
Join the innovation. Come-up with ideas that is innovative; that is what Soludo wants. Embrace technology.
Hon Chika Anyaonu
Ichie Nwakaibeya, Project Consultant, attended, including President General Aguluezechukwu who promised to assist the Aguata youth leaders gain values.
Watch the Video captured on PLANET TV powered by ASATU Youths Media Aguata on BrainPower:
PG-Isuofia Hosted ASATU Youths Aguata
ASATU Youths Aguata, led by Mayor Aguata comrd Somadina Aginam has resolved to move Aguata LGA forward.
The Aguata LGA Youth leaders under the umbrella of ASATU Youths, with the lady organizer is putting their foot forward to be part of the development in Anambra State.
Prof Chukwuma Soludo our dear Anambra State Governor is doing well. He gave us promises; and he is fulfilling his promises.
PG Isuofia , Mr Chikadibia Okeke (Ọnwa) the same way.
Isuofia has capable hands.
ASATU Mayor Aguata
Woman leader Isuofia community Mrs Agatha Nwora was present too. And urged the youths to invest interest in Agriculture.
PG-Isuofia Hosted ASATU Youths Aguata : Related Post
ASATU Youths Aguata Met with the Aguata LGA Transition Committee Chairman Dr Chibueze Ofobuike for: “a Greater Aguata” led by ASATU Mayor Aguata.
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